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The proposed fee structure methodology uses irrigation application rates that are calculated for FY 22 and FY 23 using parcels with known water use and crop type. These application rates are then applied to each parcel’s crop acreage to determine the total crop water needed for that parcel. The parcel’s delivered utility water (measured by CVWD or CMWD meter) is deducted from this value and the remainder is the estimated groundwater extraction.

The methodology for estimating groundwater extraction entails a comprehensive approach involving detailed analysis of crop acreages by parcel, aerial imagery, known Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) and Casitas Municipal Water District (CMWD) metered water use and inquiries to parcel owners. While this new approach offers numerous advantages, including incentivizing conservation and aligning charges with groundwater usage, it necessitates rigorous data analysis and ongoing adjustments to ensure accuracy and fairness.

Read the CGSA Cost of Service Study FY2025-2026 for information on the background and objectives of the study and methodology used.